Fraternity Raising Money For Austisim

Headline: Fraternity raising money for Autisim

8:02 PM Thursday: Alpha Phi Delta is raising money by doing a series of fundrasiers starting with the dunk tank on Saturday September 24.

11:14 AM. Wednesday

The fraternity of Alpha Phi Delta is raising money for the charity of Autism speaks by having fundraisers, the first one will be held on September 27.  According to one of the members, junior Joseph Gervasio the fraternity will also be looking to recruit new members at the clubs and organizations fair. They previously had a benefit concert featuring local bands where they raised $700; this was one of the many planned fundraisers they have been having in the past. Helping the community by raising money for charities and getting students involved is a very important part of this fraternity. In the forthcoming weeks more and more information will be available regarding the amount of money that was raised.

Changes coming to Wallingford News Article

Changes to Wallingford businesses, homes, and many other topics were on the agenda for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Monday, September 12 at Robert Earley Auditorium in Town Hall.

Chairman James Seichter called to order the meeting and introduced all of the members of the commission to the viewing public. After a brief discussion about the pervious businesses, and letting the people attending know which items on the agenda weren’t going to be heard that night.

Changes to Simpson Village

Simpson Village located on Center Street in Wallingford is a place for retired individuals to have an affordable place to live, however affordability and reducing the number of units was the items in question.

Attorney Gennaro Martorelli and his client Robert LaRosa of Meriden presented to the commission their request for a special permit to reduce the number of housing units in the building complex.

The discussion got intense, with the chairman and other commission members and Attorney Martorelli going back and forth about what needed to be done in terms of language. They have brought this issue up at several other meetings and once again it was not solved at this meeting, they didn’t provide the members with the information that was needed.

With the reducing of affordable units in the complex, the commission was worried about financing the homes. The Chairman questioned about interest rates wondering if the prices of the homes would go lower.

Gift Baskets

Retail businesses in the Wallingford community are interested in placing bottles of wine in gift baskets, the businesses would like to be allowed to start doing this starting October 1.

A concern for the commission was how close liquor stores are allowed to be to schools and churches, and if these stores that would be selling these baskets would be located close to these buildings. There are state limits that regulate home many package stores there can be based on population and because of this they decided on waiting until October first to decide what needed to be done.

Coming to a Close

The commission talked among themselves about an upcoming working shop that they will have to attend. Before concluding the meeting Kacie Costello, the assistant town planner discussed zoning violations that have happened since the last meeting and what the people involved where going to do to fix the issue in question.

 Town planner Linda Bush made the commission aware of what was going to happen next meeting noting that they were going to talk about the Simpson school, Chairman Seichter then called it a night around 9:00 p.m.

Drunken Elk Stuck in Apple Tree

An elk was located in a local man’s apple tree in Saro, Sweden on Wednesday Night, the police were called by a neighbor Per Johansson at 6:45 p.m.

“The elk was making a roaring noise in the garden next door,” Johansson said. “The elk appeared to be sick, drunk, or half-stupid.”

Police captain Jan Bremmen said elk like the only found in the tree often become intoxicated from eating fermenting apples, the elk lost her balance and ended up trapped in the tree.

“Other residents of Saro had seen the elk on the loose in the preceding days,” she said.

Three emergency service workers and Johansson sawed off the tree branches to free the animal, after 30 minutes she was free. The elk recovered in the yard and returned back to the woods the next morning.

Apples in Sweden 

Drunken elk are not an uncommon sight in Sweden especially in autumn when there are apples around. According to the recent U.N. Data Sweden has produced 22,000 bushels of apples in 2009.

A local town Kivik has an yearly Apple Market where they have “apple art” which are art that look like paintings and pieced together with apples, these paintings can way up to 4 tons.

Elk Population

The population of elk is between 300,000 and 400,000, where 100,000 are shot each fall.

The owner of the home was not present at the event and was not available for comment, there were no charges filed.


Reporter Interview

            The media has changed the way that we all look at the world, from the way that sporting events are done to changing the newsroom and how they run newspapers.

            Jodie Mozdzer, a reporter for the Valley Independent Sentinel discussed the reasons why multimedia plays a role in the lives of reporters in this day and age especially in the newsroom.

“I see change in the online tools that journalists use for their job. Social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. And content sharing sites like YouTube and storify,” she said. “Also, journalists take advantage of Google applications, like chart making tools.

The impact of multimedia not only has impacted writers because of the way that they do their job, it has also impacting the reader and how they relate to what is being portrayed.  

“Now communication is interactive. It’s set up in networks. Journalists have daily, frequent feedback from their readers/viewers,” she said. “That feedback is public, so everyone will see if a reader is calling out a newspaper for printing inaccurate information.”

Mozdzer said readers are being impacted in many other ways because they depend writing and writers that they can depend on.

 “Where the press has always been the “fourth estate” keeping watch on the government, the people are now the “fifth estate” keeping watch over the press, and holding us accountable to standards of fairness and accuracy,” she said.

          Being a journalist is a lot about mastering many skills, although some may say that they are basic Mozdzer indicated that they are significant. From writing skills which include proper word choice, to using photography and video to portray the story accurately, the significance of using multimedia in different ways can show the readers what is going on. Mozdzer gives a relevant piece of advice which also relates to the skills that all writers must have.

“Understand the structure of a news article. READ every single day. Find newspapers, magazines, novels that you like and try to emulate the style of those writers,” she said.

            Mozdzer indicated that there are many pros and cons in regards to multimedia and how using it in her every day job at the newspaper but using the different forms of media has made the job somewhat difficult at times.

“I wouldn’t say it has made my job more stressful. Perhaps more complicated. But I feel more empowered now to tell a story in the best possible way,” she said.

            Technology, love it or hate it will always play a pivotal role in the journalism field especially with the introduction of social networking sites and other forms of media the world can be explored in a more open way.


My first impression was that it was neat, clean and organized; it had a good mix of content, mixing entertainment with important news. The information presented was accurate and well written and there were no technology issues. I had a good user experience because I would check the website again because it is valuable for information. Two things I liked were the site had good organization and that there were buttons to share on other websites. The two things I didn’t like about the site were that everything seemed to be the same font and that there was only one picture for each article.


My First Post

My name is Lauren Kurty, I am a senior Journalism major here at Southern Connecticut State University. I chose the journalism major because I became interested in writing my sophomore year in high school after taking a class on newspaper writing and from then on I wanted to write as a career as a way to explore the world. I already have my Associates Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences and I want to expand my knowledge in this important field because this is what I want to do.

My favorite Journalism class so far at Southern has been Journalism Technology 135.

My dream job in the Journalism field would be to work for travel magazines and travel to new and exciting places. I am also a strong believer in the paranormal and I want to do something in that field also, such as searching for places that are haunted around the world and writing about them.

When this class is finished, I hope to get more information regarding how multimedia has impacted the journalism world and how it can relate to what I want to do when I have graduated and am out in the career field.